Welsummer chick question.......with PICS

Oh, Katy, I hope you're wrong.

It's encouraging to hear that teddiliza's girls have stockier legs and are bigger, as well. I am still holding out hope. If I remember from last year lots of folks were sure our RIR and Australorp were boys, too. I was sooooo nervous!

I don't mind if ONE is a roo (since we're only able to keep one of them anyway) but I need ONE pullet!

I hope for your sake I'm wrong too.
The one I really do think is a roo, but the other that's "slouching" more in the one picture may be a pullet.

Mine started developing combs fairly early on too so that should happen not to far down the road.
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Katy, you have Welsummers? Oh, now I have to take your opinion more seriously, bummer. When did the comb development start? Right now they both look the same, and the same as the RIR.

Also, aren't WElsummers supposed to be so easy to sex by the black stripes? Or is that just the UK strains?

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I have a few of them.....I really don't remember when the combs started developing more. I hatched some this winter for only the 2nd time. I really didn't stress about what they were because I figured I'd find out sooner or later. I don't know if I've got any pictures of mine at that age or not.....I'll have to look.
I have a few of them.....I really don't remember when the combs started developing more. I hatched some this winter for only the 2nd time. I really didn't stress about what they were because I figured I'd find out sooner or later. I don't know if I've got any pictures of mine at that age or not.....I'll have to look.

Now, see, that's the sexing method I'm starting to like. The no-stress, we'll see when we see, type method. They'll all reveal themselves in good time, right, Katy, LOL?​
WOW! i had the exact same question about my two chicks.... and im still debating if they are what the store said they are because the look EXACTLY like yours... with the stalky build and hardly any tail feathers.. and the same patterning in the feathers. pic...
Now, see, that's the sexing method I'm starting to like. The no-stress, we'll see when we see, type method. They'll all reveal themselves in good time, right, Katy, LOL?

I'm not quite so laid back about my new blue orp chicks!!! Everyday I check out their combs to see how many are getting redder......not too many of them I hope!!
shcmooborp- are yours supposed to be welsummers? do you know what hatchery they came from?

I emailed mothergoose directly but haven't heard back from her. I'm still holding out hope that someone will say, "don't worry those are just welsummer traits!"

How crazy is this?:
Olivia weighed the chicks yesterday and the Weslummers weigh more than twice what the other 3 do!!!!
WElsummers: 5.3 and 5.4 grams
EEs: 2.1 and 2.0 grams
RIR: 2.9 grams

That is a HUGE difference, huh?
How old are the chicks? I also have Welsummers from Meyers that look a bit older maybe then yours. I just got a new camera and I am having trouble getting pictures loaded onto my computer.

I would say it is a pullet though and yes my welsummers have less feathers than the other two breeds, they seem shorter. Hope that makes you feel better. I ordered 3 females and a male, so one has a definitely comb compared to the others.

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