Welsummer chick question.......with PICS

Hi Vicki-
Well that is encouraging to hear!

Mine will be 2 weeks tomorrow (Monday 3/31). How old are yours? Are yours ignificantly heftier than you other breeds?

Thank you for giving me hope!

Mine will be 3 weeks tomorrow. They are not heftier than the SLW but are bigger than the other breed, which I am not sure what it is, because we got some mixed up and they belong to another family. They ordered a pullet pack. We are going to exchange them tomorrow, now that we can tell what is what.

I will try again later to work on the pictures, right now my headache makes it too complicated.
I have a Meyer Welsummer that turned 6 weeks old today. I was just commenting that she's a "monster" compared to the other chicks.

This is her at about 5 days old:

And at 5 weeks:

I can try to weigh my chicks now, but I think they're a bit too wiggly. The EEs are quite small. I have a GLW that everyone thinks is a roo. The Welsummer is about the same size as the GLW.
OMG, I weighed them!!

EE#1: 18.75 ounces
EE#2: 19.75 ounces
GLW Roo: 21.30 ounces
Welsummer: TWENTY FIVE ounces!!!!

I guess I'm not imagining things.

FWIW, she still looks like a pullet.
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You guys ROCK.

I am feeling much better now!

Vicki2x2 thanks for the pics. yes, the cockerel definitely has a bigger comb! I'll check mine against your pics next week...

horsewishr.... that is just awesome that you report your Meyer welsummer is a "monster" as well. I just cannot believe the difference between them and the 2 Meyer EEs we have! And your Welsummer surely looks like a pullet in her recent pic...... so I am very hopeful for my girls.

Thank you SO MUCH for sharing!!


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