Welsummer egg! PIC


You are right, they do look like Brown Leghorns. Whenever people post pics, I rarely venture a guess on these guys, because I can't tell the difference!
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This was actually what I said! lol Scgamecocks said something about leghorns!
Right! Got my names straight! My first Welsummers were hatchery stock, and I just loved them! The eggs can run from a solid dark brown, to a nice terra-cotta with speckles.

I just love having a mixed flock. I pick and chose my girls so I can have a variety of egg color, as well as a colorful mixed flock!
I really want a welsummer, hoping to get a few this year. I have marans which give the dark brown eggs too. I also have blue, green eggs from the few americaunas I have left and different colored brown eggs.
I am just hopeing the marans girls that are from a hatchery lay ok eggs one does have feathered legs so we will see in a few weeks.

Your eggs are very beautiful! Your chickens, however, are very healthy and good-looking! Excellent Job! I'm sure those eggs will sell big!

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