Welsummer pullet?

I think it is too early to be absolutely sure. The eyeliner thing does work sometimes, but the breeding stock needs to be selected from chicks that show these traits for it to be perpetuated, and I am not sure hatcheries bother.

But since the chick was vent sexed as a pullet then that is very likely what you have.
Ended up being 100% roo, but Iā€™m excited to see the eggs with him over my Whiting True Blues

I've been waiting for you to report back.šŸ˜¬

When I went to close this thread of those early chick pictures you posted, I decided to take one more look at your welsummer "pullet". Just because i wanted to admire "her." And then I saw the circled chick. (The entire photo hadn't finished loading before I replied, but I didn't realize it.) I felt pretty certain the circled chick was a He. And was Mortified, even more so because I had just told you with 100% certainty "That's a pullet!"
Mortified, I tell ya. :oops:

You don't know how bad I wanted to go away and hope He turned out to be a She after all. But after staring a good while at the circled chick, I just couldn't do it. Figured i might as well admit my mistake right then and there, for the following reasons.

1) His eyeliner was more "blurry" than a typical Welsummer pullet
2) I couldn't see the top of his head in that early photo
3) But then when I saw the blurry back stripes on the circled chick....:barnie

I am glad you can keep him, and I do think he will make some beautiful olive eggs with your WTBs. Gonna leave you with an olive egg photo. (Easter Egger roosters x Welsummer hens) I hope your future olive eggs turn out equally beautiful.šŸ™‚
I've been waiting for you to report back.šŸ˜¬

When I went to close this thread of those early chick pictures you posted, I decided to take one more look at your welsummer "pullet". Just because i wanted to admire "her." And then I saw the circled chick. (The entire photo hadn't finished loading before I replied, but I didn't realize it.) I felt pretty certain the circled chick was a He. And was Mortified, even more so because I had just told you with 100% certainty "That's a pullet!"
Mortified, I tell ya. :oops:

You don't know how bad I wanted to go away and hope He turned out to be a She after all. But after staring a good while at the circled chick, I just couldn't do it. Figured i might as well admit my mistake right then and there, for the following reasons.

1) His eyeliner was more "blurry" than a typical Welsummer pullet
2) I couldn't see the top of his head in that early photo
3) But then when I saw the blurry back stripes on the circled chick....:barnie

I am glad you can keep him, and I do think he will make some beautiful olive eggs with your WTBs. Gonna leave you with an olive egg photo. (Easter Egger roosters x Welsummer hens) I hope your future olive eggs turn out equally beautiful.šŸ™‚
View attachment 3053862
Oh those are STUNNING!!! I hope mine are at least half as beautiful as those šŸ˜±

I always enjoy when people come back and update, because I have so many questions that I still need to learn. Especially the ones with whatā€™s this breed or gender. For instance: are these Welsummers or Speckled Sussex??? Everyone seems split in half on the answer lol


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