went to get a chicken and ended involved in a child kidnapping :(


10 Years
Aug 25, 2009
Quebec, Canada
DH and I drove to my favorite breeder's place this afternoon to pick up a banty to keep my little 10-week old Brahma pullet company, as she can't go in the pen with the older girls since they peck her to bloody bits.

I phoned this morning and all was fine.

We got there around 2pm and the poor man was shaking like a leaf, kept apologizing for his state of utter nerves:

30 minutes before we arrived, he got an anonymous phone call from a guy shouting expletitives and demanding a ransom for his daughter if he ever wanted to see her alive again.


The state police were on their way, he was waiting and just about to have a heart attack from stress

Poor man, he and his lady are such sweethearts, I cannot imagine anyone wanting them harm??? They keep to themselves and live in the middle of nowhere, wth?

His daughter lives near the city with his ex-wife, who owns a bar... and the daughter works there. She was last seen this morning on her way to work (to clean the place or do book-keeping, I don't know). He had to call his ex-wife to tell her about the kidnapping call, she knew nothing about the situation!

So the police force is on it, it's a crime to utter death threats and oh, I can't believe such things HAPPEN! If I hadn't been there and heard things for myself, I would have thought it was a joke. But it's not.

In all of this he gave me a beautiful bantam pullet (japanese mix, I think?), refused any payment, can you believe it?

I told him I'd call tomorrow night for news, I'm worried sick for him. He was on the verge of tears the whole time we were there.

Great way to spend a cold, snowy Sunday before Christmas...

(please send any spare prayers his way, I really care for this kind soul and am petrified to get bad news)
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It's so sad to see such nice people get hit with such crap and then just fall apart.

They have NO money, they live in a tiny house and drive an old car - what the HECK are people thinking??
That's what I'm hoping, but the call was from a hidden (private) ID number...

The police can get the info from the phone company, at least - I really really hope it's some kind of sick joke.

Will know more tomorrow night...


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