Went to the fair and now can't leave the subject of GOATS alone!


11 Years
Apr 2, 2008
Southern Maine
So we went to the Commonground Fair... and the goats were SO CUTE they got on my mind instantly. We asked the owner some Qs and he was really nice, but I forgot to ask him about harness training
So now I'm back to bother YOU guys again

He had some Oberhaslis and they were awesome. That's what we'll get.

So my question is thus: We want two goats maximum. We wanted a pregnant doe, but the fair goat owner guy says that the doe will be really lonely without a buddy until she births and until the kid is big enough to be a friend. I want a baby goat!
So is this just impossible, or is there an answer? Mom (SeaChick) suggested getting two does, then once the kid was big (if it was a doe) give one of the old does away. Would it work or is there something we don't know about goats that wouldn't work?


Thanks for putting up with all my goat Qs.
He was right on the lonely thing, when I got my first goat she was miserable without a friend

As for harness training, we only really used it when she was feeling cranky, ours actually adapted to walking on a leash. We trained them for the harness the same way we trained ur dogs, lol. Just used different treats.

Just remember , if you go to take them on walks ( we take them around the block xD)
Once they get walking, DO NOT STOP! lol, it is nearlt impossible to get them to get back going. If you can run down the road with them, that is always funnest xD
We also want the milk.

Goat_Walker, I don't have a dog... how do you train them? I know for cats it's just that you put the harness on them for a while, let them get used to it, put the leash on but don't hold it and ditto, then hold the leash, ditto, and finally teach them to come when you pull the leash (sadly unexperienced here, as my cat isn't having ANY of it!). Same?
Sort of

The way I did it, was first off rub her, not gently, but not too roughly everywhere the harness straps would touch for a good 5 - 10 minutes, talking to her all the time, she she would get used to things touching her. I did this every time I went out, when I first entered the gate and before I left. I did this for about a week.

Then, I put the harness on her, and rubbed underneath the harness for the first two days. I left the harness on her for a week. Making sure I rubbed her so that I was sure no sores had become known as well as to get her used to it.

On the third day I would introduce the leash. I let her smell it, then rubbed her nose, cheeks, back legs, belly , and tail with it. I let it drag over her, so she would get used to it touching her legs and such.I did this each day when I came into the pen for 2 days.I let her graze with it on, but pulled her back with a quick jerk when she got away from a *heel* position when walking around.

Once I was sure she would not balk, or get upset with the rope touching her,( this is optional becuase some ppl think I am weird for doing this, and that it has risks, which I dont see if you do it right) I wrapped the leash around her and tied it on her back. I let it hang a little loose, so she could feel its caress on her stomach and upper legs.I left this on her for 2 more days.

The once that was done, I took the lead off of her and hung it around her food area, so that she had to walk past it. ( i only did this becuase she came from an abusive owner, and it helped her to recover from her fear of ropes a little quicker. Usually, at the site of one she ran, making me thing they beat her with it) I did this for only one, since she recovered from her fears thankfully

After this , and I know it is long, considering she had the harness on for a week, but by now she was used to the "stay near my legs or you get yanked back" thing. ( notice, this did not harm her, her front simply was lifted from the ground and she was force to step back quickly when i jerked the lead back and gae my command.)

So I walked her in the front yard, yes , she strayed some to graze or weeds, but for the most part, she walked like a lady when we went around the block, challenging the local lab and great danes. Im not sure what they thought of my little pygmy challenging them, it was quite funny though.

I hope this helps! I know it is long, but this is the way I have done it with two of my goats and it has worked out great! I havent had any criticism on my methods, so im guessing that they worked for others as well. Let me know if this is effective!
Good luck, and have a wonderful day!
Glad to see we aren't the only ones who take our farm animals/pet for walks.(besides dogs I mean).
We have a bottle feed lamb "Bella" we walk her all the time down the road. Our girls will dress her up in a "to-to" (ballet outfit) and walk her down the road-no leash. She just follows. On days that we don't have time for 'riding' our horse(s) we will put the lead rope on them and walk up and down the road. They love jogging up and down the road(oh, who am I kidding I ain' jogging-I am full out running trying to keep up with the horses LONG strides and she is only walking slowly)
It also helps to keep the animals feet trimmed by being on the black top...

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