Went to the Grain Store


9 Years
Feb 16, 2010
Amesbury, MA
To get a few supplies for the 27 chicks we got last night from McMurray, and amazingly enough they had more cornish, and my little guy (who is 2 and barely talks) managed to tell me he wanted some, so I bought 12 more. They are a little more feathered in than the ones that came last night, so I think they are a day or two older. Some of them are even getting tail feathers (does that mean roo?)

Made the whole group a nice big brooder box with a couple chick water holders and an egg carton full of feed, and they are doing great...thoroughly enjoying the funniest that I put down for them
are you doing what I do? Blaming picking up more chics on the kids?
It's whatever works right! I've kinda thought that the ones with them tail feathers are male, but keep an eye on the combs. A males will grow faster, and be darker in color. Hope This Helps!
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That's funy, I heard roos tend to develop feathers much later than pullets...

I've heard so many opposing opiniong as far as identifying roos that I think I'm just going to resign myself to the be patient and see approach
Yah, me too - the tail feathers on pullets show up before they do on cockerels. (My four chicks are SO darned cute with their wings starting to feather, and their little feathery rear ends! I love when they stretch out their wings, which hardly "fit" them - except for maybe in size, being very small wings - and waggle the little four or five baby featherettes at the ends of their bodies!)
We have one little chick who keeps stretching out one leg and wing behind her at a time...it's so funny. Been trying to get pictures, but I'm always too slow! She looks like she is doing the hokey pokey or something

We have quite a mix from all fluff balls up to feathered wings and tails all in the same brooder. So far they are doing well, and all curled up to snooze in little groups. My one dark chick (maybe a dark Brahama?) Is a complete trouble maker though, and he's the littlest. He likes to wait till everyone is sleeping and then run across the brooder from side to side on all the other chicks backs...
I feather sexed mine for the first time this hatch. The ones who's wing feathers said 'girl' got tail feathers first.
Could just be a coincidence.
Chickie yoga!

I have noticed the same behavior from several chicks. At first I thought "paralyzed wing" and Marek's disease, but after watching a few minutes I noticed 2 more do the same. Must feel pretty good, too, like a good morning stretch!

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