We're roosters, aren't we?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 15, 2012
Indiana, PA
These are my two lovely Lemon Orpingtons. They are so sweet. I've been hoping that they would turn out to be pullets, but I'm thinking cockerels. What do you think?

Nope, no barring on them. They are actually more yellow looking than in the photos. I've been surprised at how yellow they've stayed. We're new to chickens this year (and loving it!). I have some Ameraucanas and Olive Eggers that I got and it's easier to hazard a guess with their sex because you can see 3 Ameraucanas that have similar combs/looks and 1 that's different, same with the olive eggers. The difference between the two fo them would have me guess one roo and one hen. But these two, I'm just not sure. I would be totally thrilled if they fooled me completely and turned out to be hens, or even a pair.

the one in the back is a cockeral - 90%

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