Western Massachusetts


Thanks for the info. I checked out their website, sounds interesting but it's too far for me to go. When I was a teenager we used to go to a livestock auction on Saturday nights. It was alot of fun but that auction is no longer in business. We do have an auction in Whately but poultry is sold Tuesdays at noon so my husband isn't able to go with me.
Chicken Mama 6...the snow is gone have you started yet? lol. I just sat down this past weekend to sketch out the new coop. I am also working on moving the Guck house and building a new yard / pond for them. At least my birds will have an exciting summer :p
Hi Boxedcow! Well we still have snow :( but it is almost gone! This weekend we moved the ladies from their warm winter coop (aka chicken jail) to their "summer coop" which has a big run. We got a little um...creative and semi-winterized it since it is still cold at night here. We took Tractor Supply shavings bags and staple gunned them over the mesh windows so the wind won't make them cold LOL But it worked really good and we recycled :) We call it the redneck chicken coop. We hope to start the new coop in a couple of weeks. We are getting married in May so life has been a little hectic with all the planning. Plan on purchasing 6 chicks soon to add to the flock (told him 4
little does he know...chicken math).
Hi Boxedcow. I live in West Holyoke close to the Southampton line. I don't have any chickens yet. We'll be starting the coop next weekend so it's ready for the chicks arriving in May.
Chicken Mama 6 , ooo congrats early on the wedding! I am headed to Colorado the end of May for my best friends wedding. I can't wait for my eggs to get here, they should be arriving right around the time we get home. I will have to remember to set everything up before hand so my mom can plug it all in just incase they show up early.

Rozee, you will have to share your baby pictures! You are really close, I bet I drive past you on my way to work every morning :D
Boxedcow, I'll be sure to post pix when the babies arrive. I live on Southampton Rd so you probably do pass by here all the time. My son just moved back here from Colorado after four years in the air force. He lived in Colorado Springs and it was beautiful there.
Boxedcow, I'll be sure to post pix when the babies arrive. I live on Southampton Rd so you probably do pass by here all the time. My son just moved back here from Colorado after four years in the air force. He lived in Colorado Springs and it was beautiful there.

Rozee I am headed to Colorado Springs for school for 4 days. I am getting certified in forensic nursing and there is clinical time I have to do there. I can't wait, I have never been to Colorado, I have only one day to see sights though : (
Fiddlehead, Colorado Springs is beautiful! There are a lot of sights to see there. Pikes Peak is awesome. We drove up to the top (which was a little scary, 14,000 ft high and no guardrails) There is also a train that goes up. Pikes Peak is weather permitting though. If the weather is bad the top of the mountain is closed.
Fiddlehead, Colorado Springs is beautiful! There are a lot of sights to see there. Pikes Peak is awesome. We drove up to the top (which was a little scary, 14,000 ft high and no guardrails) There is also a train that goes up. Pikes Peak is weather permitting though. If the weather is bad the top of the mountain is closed.

Thanks for the tip! We will check it out : )
Hello all, my family and I live in Granby very close to some of you. We are really excited to be raising chickens...We are still doing our homework and self educating ourselves. I am loving the Silkies more and more. We are homeschoolers and my children can not wait. We are interested in Austalorps, Wyandotte, Amaraucanas(I found a breeder an 1hr and half from here) Brahmas, and Buff Orpingtons(i think)...AND the Silkie...We want them not vaccinated or de-beaked...We want babies....i am overwhelmed with info...Does anyone know where we can find a local hatchery- i would prefer local over ordering on line. We want to to start off with 10-15 female chicks. No rooster....Can any of you refer me to local, and if not a really good humane business that will respect our wishes and will sell me a small amount of chickens...This would be so helpful...
Idea-anyone local interested in getting together to show your chickens or chicks and discuss what this life can look like...we can come visit and help feed them?

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