Wet and Dry Fowl Pox - Graphic Pictures of Pus and Scabs

Quote: He is going to spread it to your other chickens I would separate him as fast as I could, because that would be a drag to have to take care of more than one sick chicken. Believe me fowl pox is really hard to cure and time consuming. I lost my grade over it, I did not say in after school like I was suppose to because I had to take care of my two sick hens.
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Yes, it can be very time consuming if you have more than five sick ones to tube feed twice a day.

Reading this thread is very educating, thanks for posting this. I ordered the vaccine from Strombergs (thanks for the link) and will vaccinate when I get it. I don't want to go through that. Another question, I have 2 week old madagascar gamefowl chicks. Is there a special vaccine for chicks?

How are you removing the pus from the eyes? With just a qtip? Day before yesterday, I noticed that one of my BA pullets, Lucy, had some pus in her left eye, it was sort of dangling off her upper lid. I was able to remove it thank goodness but it did not want to come easily. This morning there was more pus, this time it was completely within her eye. She did not want to be still for me to attempt to remove it (have you had this issue?). I was finally able to keep her still and flip the pus out of her eye and get it dislodged from her lid. I used a qtip moistened with saline. Poor baby. She's still able to see, eats and drinks well. I left her crated this morning (now she's limping...just my luck!) and gave her a combo of oatmeal and scrambled eggs.

How I remove it really depends on if the sinuses are involved or not... If it's just in the eye I sort of massage it out, but sometimes I use tweezers and pull out the hard chunks. Once the eye itself becomes infected I have not been able to save the eye. Can you post pictures of your hen?


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