Wet and Dry Fowl Pox - Graphic Pictures of Pus and Scabs

Just wanted to check in and see how everyone's chickies are doing. 

I have an update from my flock:

Ethel, the initial bad case has made a full recovery!! PRAISE!!!

Lucy, Ethel's bestie, she's the only member of the flock to have developed pus in her eyes is well on her way to recovery. She has not had any growths in her eyes for several days now (they look nice and clear as they should) and her scabs are beginning to fall off as well! PRAISE!!!

Dominique B, and one of my Rhode Island Reds are having some issues with their weight. Comb and wattles look scabby and they have each had some nasal discharge as well as watery eyes. Still working on getting these girls well.

Bossy Pants (light brahma) only had dry pox and is now clear of scabs. PRAISE!!

The two other RIR have dry pox and seems to be doing well.

Only TWO of my chickies have been disease free. But at last count, there are 4 that have no evidence of disease. Just 5 more girls to get well and we are DONE with this.

We are doing well overall. None of the LFs or guineas have gotten it (knock on wood) and my boy silkies seem to be the only bantams affected. It seems to be much milder on the others than it was on poor Orangey. I am so thankful it stayed dry.
That's great news! Hope they all get over it quickly and it remains dry. This has been quite a challenge with wet pox..especially for this newbie chicken keeper. Sheesh. Talk about trial by fire!
So I've been going through this pox thing myself. I've had chickens for a long time and have never experienced this. We went throug the weepy pussy eyes and bumps etc with about a dozen birds. We treated the eyes by flushing, drops of colloidal silver and neosporin. This process worked incredibly for all but one bird. I ended up administering tylan 200 for 7 birds hoping it might help with secondary infections and all but two are off now and recovering well. I still have two birds that I'm worried about. One has the nodules and scabs around the eyes on one side such that the eye is forced shut. I can barely flush and add drops. The ear is affected on this side as well. The other side is probably 75% occluded. I have been srubbing the scabs and nodules with iodine and applying neosporin (pain relief type). I'm not sure I'm seeing any improvement...infact it seems to be getting worse still. I was able to remove most of the plaque from the inside of the beak and roof of the mouth. It seems to be staying away. Is there anything more I should be looking at doing with this bird? Will the outbreak diminish and then just go away in time?
My other question concerns my other remaining hard case. He originally didn't have any outside lesions but had audible breathing and was mouth breathing. Thought it was respiratory (this was before we realized we had a pox outbreak). The outside lesions came a few days later and by then I knew what we had with the other birds. He has been named Mr. Bear because of the "growling" noise he makes when he breathes and the heavy snoring sound when be sleeps. I was able to use cotton swabs to remove the plaque from his beak, but I can see his windpipe is coated and I don't know if there is anything I can do about that. Does anyone have experience with this? Will it dry up and fall off? If it does will he aspirate it later? If I can save him I'd like to, but I don't want him to just suffer to a terrible end.
I've had a several that I've have to use tweezers on to remove the pus/plaque from behind the tounge and two of those also had secondary yeast infections that I had to treat with fluconazole.

Yeast infection... That could be what I'm seeing deep down on what appears to be the trachea. Do you think medication will clear that up?
I'm assuming this is an OTC found at a drugstore? What form do you use (paste, powder, injectible)? What is the delivery method and dosage? Thanx so much for your help!
I'm assuming this is an OTC found at a drugstore? What form do you use (paste, powder, injectible)? What is the delivery method and dosage? Thanx so much for your help!
If you live in Canada it is OTC and sold as Canesoral, but if you're in the US you need to buy it online from a place that sell medicine for tropical fish or from a vet.

Hoping your chickens are doing well, Kathy.
Does anyone have any 'pus and gore' pics to share?
Almost all of my chickens have made complete recoveries from pox, but a few still have secondary infections that I need to treat and a couple of those will have probably be good candidates for 'pus and gore' pictures, lol. Plus, I still have that other hen in the fridge and I really do need to open her up and try to figure out what killed her.


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