Wet and Dry Fowl Pox - Graphic Pictures of Pus and Scabs


She seems much better
I have had enough of mysterious invisible (and visible) diseases. Can anybody tell me how and where immunization is done? Thanks
Thank you! So simple! This should be made into a link on Backyard Chickens front page. We all need to do this. I lost 16 birds this year to fowl pox and related infections!!!

LOL @ they ain't gettin' no baths. :lau

It was a LOT to do Kathy but I couldn't just sit on my butt and not exhaust all avenues in trying to save them. I knew that if I at least tried to save them and they didn't make it, then I wouldn't feel guilty because I would have done my best to save them. I was lucky that all of them survived the worst wet pox attack in my history of owning birds.

Because I had so many, I had to bath them. The poor babies weren't able to spruce up and preen, so I had to do it.:p

And just think, I had a full time job in addition to the other zoo animals and still had time to do this. :th

Please post if the other person that you have contacted has an easier method for treatment. Anything that is easier and less time consuming than this is a winner in my book.

Because I live in Australia, on really hot days (40 degrees+) I give mine cold baths in laundry sink. Pretty adorable wet, really. I only have two, which makes things easy.
I also purchased the vaccine my 3 rd day into this . And she had been vaccinated by breeders as well ( one of my only chickens that were. It must not of took) but I am unsure who to vaccinate . I separated her immediately but random others got a scab here and there or a bubbly eye that went away after cleaning and meds for 3 days. I'm thinking whole flock exposed and should not vaccinate maybe just hang onto it for new chicks ? In future
Also for update
I used both terryimycin ( can't spell it sorry) and neosporine regular, not pain reliever at same time and only neosporine when I ran out of other. And it appears to have done a great job ? I now use it on the occasional bubbly eye after I rinse it ( still signs of fowl pox ) on the other chickens . And all got better from that problem after 3 days . I learned from this experience and this byc sight to only use the baytril or tylan if other respitory signs pop up . So thank you all for your help!!! You know who you are
Also for update
I used both terryimycin ( can't spell it sorry) and neosporine regular, not pain reliever at same time and only neosporine when I ran out of other. And it appears to have done a great job ? I now use it on the occasional bubbly eye after I rinse it ( still signs of fowl pox ) on the other chickens . And all got better from that problem after 3 days . I learned from this experience and this byc sight to only use the baytril or tylan if other respitory signs pop up . So thank you all for your help!!! You know who you are


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