Wet world problems

yes, but its made out of chicken mesh... so not a great "roof"  It's too keep cats and dogs etc out.  But i will defs get a roof on it!! thsnk u!!!

I have 2 golden comits, 1 australorp cross, 1 silkie and a road island red bantam.

You're welcome. Golden comets are one of many labels under which some hatcheries market their red sex links and they are egg laying machines.
Sorry I'm traveling & on my cell phone & just now saw your question about my chickens. I'll be happy when I'm home again & back on my PC as it's so much easier to use. I have 7 black sex link hens, 7 black australorp hens, 4 buff Orpington hens, & 7 Easter egger hens.
If possible could you re-do the run, by raising it above ground level, with concrete blocks, landscape timbers, etc. then lay down several inches of pea gravel and sand on top of that. top of some solid material will help keep rain off and also provide protections from hawks and climbing predators

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