What’s going on with my chicken??


In the Brooder
Mar 25, 2019
I have 3 chickens 2 are Easter eggers. All are about a year old. A couple days ago we returned from a week at the beach. Right away I noticed one of my Easter eggers would not come out of the coop. I started to realize she wasn’t laying. She gets all puffy feathered, tail feathers up, lots of clucking. I did a vent check twice and gave her an Epsom salt bath. I cannot feel any egg. She is eating and drinking ok. But I can’t figure out what’s wrong with her?
Yup. She wants to hatch eggs instead, so she will sit on eggs instead of laying any more. Left to her own devices, in about 21 days, if the eggs were fertile, they would hatch. Do you have a rooster?
We remove the eggs daily, and my 3 Buff Orpingtons still go broody fairly frequently. Going broody is hormonal. They'll set on an empty nest, on golf balls, fake or real eggs, whatever. Fortunately there are ways to get them out of it, as they can lose weight and condition if they persist too long with no chicks to show for their efforts.
I don't think you can buy just one chick anywhere, and it probably wouldn't be a good idea anyway. I think your best bet is to watch her for a few days to see if she comes out of it, and if she doesn't, do a search here on the site for how to break a broody hen.

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