What’s the deal with you chicken people??

Welcome, welcome. As said previously you are new and there is a lot of very interesting information to learn. I myself came here some years ago when we first raised chickens and left once we moved. You are in a good place as there is a lot of knowledge here and great folks to teach you. Just ask.
Thanks! This is a great community. Very knowledgeable but also most have a great sense of humor. Chicken ppl are great ppl. ( hm I need another adjective besides great).
When I first got my chickens, I went into the store and guy asked me what I wanted. I swear to you I said oh just regular chickens!
Most chicken suppliers start talking to you about the most random stuff.

"Hey, Do you need some bobos, Some hoo-has, Maybe if you're lucky we have some Doodasflipflops in stock."

And when you decide on a chicken they start questioning you like an interrogation

"Are you sure..? This chicken smells like garbage every Thursday and attacks anything yellow. It lays small eggs as well!!!"
Lol, right! 😂

I just looked up "Best Egg Layers", looked at the list to see how many eggs laid a year, can it handle my extreme heat... great, now let's see if any of these names pop up at Tractor Supply. Lol.
I’ll confess: I used to think Easter Eggers each laid a variety of colored eggs. Turns out that’s not a thing, but it would be cool if they did 😆
Umm they don’t lay rainbow eggs? Seriously I thought they did. I’ve seen pics ppl posting with their pastel colored eggs, hey guys look what my Easter Eggers laid! That’s disappointing.

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