What’s wrong with my hen?


In the Brooder
May 3, 2018
Orange, TX
Hi! I have a gold sex-link hen named Pearl who is two years old, and has been staying in the coop all day, everyday for the past 2 months. She is not broody at all. She will eat and drink. She has lost a lot of weight. She use to run around with the others before she started acting this way.
I recently just lost one of my girls about a month ago, her name was Henny, and she stayed in the coop all day everyday because she would get bullied and picked on. Henny had always been the lowest on the pecking order but would also eat and drink when others were not around. Henny lost a lot of weight. I checked on her everyday to make sure she ate and drank. But one day I found her on the bottom of the coop in the shavings alive, but would not get up. Her legs and wings were paralyzed, it was too late to save her, so I put her down.

So Pearl, my golden sex link hen is acting the same way. I don’t know what is wrong with her or what to do for her anymore. Any ideas on why she suddenly started acting like this?

***please note...I am an large animal/equine veterinary technician and work 6 days a week at an emergency vet clinic and am barely ever home from 2pm-12am. Sometimes 2pm-3am. I cannot take my hen inside my house in a dog crate and nurture her like I want to because I live alone and she would not be taken care of when I’m at work. And all my chickens are fenced in and free range***
Checking for external parasites would be a good start.
Fecal float for internals too.
I would guess that whatever killed the first bird may well kill this one also.
Being a vet tech do you any network connections to get a necropsy and path labs done?
That's about the only way to really know what ailed them.

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