What a Wonderful thing to do for the community!!!

Awesome! He is one of the good guys
I've heard about this, very cool. He is a super nice guy too! Great excuse to tell my Jon Bon Jovi story
: In 1992, he was on tour and came into the restaurant for pizza and beer with his keyboardist where my boyfriend at the time was the manager. The restaurant ironically was dead at the time, the middle of a slow weekday. My boyfriend said to him "Man, my girlfriend is going to die when she realizes she missed you, she loves you". And Jon said, "Where is she, working?" And my boyfriend said, "No, she's home, right up the street". And Jon said, get this: "Well, call her up and have her stop by, we'll wait" and ordered a a pizza and sat down!!! So my boyfriend calls me up but doesn't say why, he just says "get down here NOW! FAST!" So I go racing out the door not knowing what the heck was going on. I almost died when I walked in and Jon Bon Jovi and his keyboard player looked up and waved and Jon says "Hey, Laura! What took you so long?" with a big grin. I started shaking and I was so shocked I was almost in tears. I sat down with them, had pizza, talked about the different times I'd seen them in concert over the years, etc. It was so great. I still have his autograph that says "To Laura: Smile! -Jon Bon Jovi!" It's written on cash register tape that my boyfriend yanked out of the register. Glad bf thought to ask for the autograph, because I didn't even think of it. I always thought that was incredibly nice of him to offer to wait while I came by (even though he was eating anyway, but still), and I just love this restaurant project of his. Great guy with a caring heart.

wow. i have a whole new respect for the man.

i always enjoyed his music but i tend to dismiss most celebrities. there are very few I like as people or respect. he is now one of them.

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