What about eggs (nits?) deposited on feather shaft...


9 Years
May 13, 2014
Kansas City, MO
After first treatment with permithin
The lice are gone but the nits or eggs On feather shaft remain
April 30 is next treatment so will the eggs hatch by then?
And is that why you treat 3 times?
It’s time for the second application of permithium tonight.
I haven’t seen any lice but they do have the eggs on feather shaft.
Will spray tonight and then wait 10 days for the third application
I hope that will take care of it!?!🤞🤞🤞
I have 40 chickens and have done two rounds of permetherin. The third is next week
no live lice but am concerned that I still see eggs on the shafts of the feathers.
will the spray take care of them before they hatch?
Sorry that no one has answered you. I do not have experience with parasite infestation, but others here do. I hope they chime in because I wonder too. Will the eggs just die on the shaft and fall off with the feather when the chicken molts?
The thought is that lice eggs hatch out every 10 days, so the treatment every 10 days for 2-3 times, would get the the newly hatched lice before they are able to lay more eggs. Some have said in the past that coconut oil applied to the lice eggs will help to remove them. You could also try trimming off the lice eggs on feathers. Don’t forget to remove all bedding, treat the coop/nests with permethrin spray, and replace with new bedding. Here is some good info on lice and mites:


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