What about these two?

Twelve Palms

In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 8, 2010
again, thank you all for helping identify the little chicken. My bantam rooster has been "romancing" her for a couple of weeks now, so I wonder if she will start to lay eggs. I'm not sure what kind of bantam he is either. I can't believe how much there is to know about chickens!!!! It's amazing and overwhelming, but I'm excited to learn. Here's a photo of the little fella. What do you think he is?

And what about this one????

Thanks again for your help
I'm not sure about the first one.
The second one looks like a cross to a silver sebright. I say cross because he isn't hen feathered and not very well laced.
Yep i agree, the slate legs is uncommon in black tailed buffs, but they look like hatchery birds which made have had a dose of something else- so who knows.


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