What Additives Do You Add to Chicks' Water?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 7, 2014
Alright, so my first hatch goes into lockdown in a few hours, and I went to the local supply store to pick up some brooder supplies. I was planning on adding apple cider vinegar and maybe a bit of sugar to their water once they hatch, but when I was in the store they had the Save-A-Chick Electrolytes and Probiotics. They were super cheap, so I grabbed both just because.

My question to you folks: What water additives do you add to maximize the success rate with your new quail chicks? Apple cider vinegar, sugar, other forms of electrolytes, poly vi sol, save a chick...etc, etc.

Thanks in advance for your responses!
I have only hatched quail 1 time from some eggs a freind gave me and out of 10 eggs 7 hatched and are doing very well. I did not add anything to the water I gave them. I have city water and have yet to have any problems with it. I hatch chickens a couple times a year and have had no problems with them either.

I can't think that sugar would do any good or use, or apple cider vinegar until about week 3 and then only a small bit to prevent coccidiosis. I don't add anything and they do great.

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