What age do chickens stop laying???

I had hatchery Easter eggers that were still laying at 7-8 years old. Only 2-3 eggs a week each, but they were still laying.

Thank you!!
we had one hen that we let lay and hatch all her eggs. she was about six years old when she stopped.
Well they dont really stop they slow down. Unless injured or an egg busts inside them. Try giving them laying pellets and oyster shell and make sure they get plenty of grass.make sure they get the right nutrients from their original feed.
My four who are 3 1/2 years old have slowed down to 2-3 times per week and my four 2 year olds are still pretty consistently laying 4-5 times per week. When they were molting and it got dark (and I didn't give them extra light this year) we were down to an egg or two a day from 8 hens. Things are starting to pick up now that it's getting lighter and we're getting 3-4 eggs a day.
Chickens, like humans, have a limited amount of 'egg folicles' in their ovaries. Chickens that are heavy layers or kept under lights to keep production up during the winter, will run out before chickens that lay less. I am sure there's a different amount of folicles in the ovaries between breeds as well, but it is something to keep in mind.

A production type bird will likely 'burn out', before a heritage type bird.

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