What age pullets to get?


May 28, 2020
I have 4 chicks right now but I believe 2 of them are cockerels and I’ll have to get rid of them. I want to get a couple more pullets to go with the ones I already have but what would be the best thing to do?
Should I go ahead and get them now or wait?
Should I get chicks that are ~the same age?
Could I get some that are older? Maybe some layers?

just trying to figure this out. TIA!
How about decide what breed you would love, then get whatever age you can find. Then keep them in two groups until you decide to integrate them together. If they are close in age, you can integrate them immediately, if they are far apart in age, you can do the “look but don’t touch” method of introduction, and then after a few days or a week let them mingle and watch how it goes.
IMO, for most breeds, the sooner you can add birds the better. When older, quarantine becomes more essential and they become a united flock faster than when mature.
If adding younger birds, add larger numbers. If adding older birds, add fewer numbers.

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