What am I? Egg...


11 Years
Apr 20, 2008
Brewton, Ala.
This may be on the wrong board. If so, I'm sorry!!!

I have a flock of full-blooded BRs with several full-blooded RIRs. Apparently, there's a mix in there, somewhere.

Here are my eggs from today...

Top left is from one of the old RIR gals. The other eggs are from the new BRs I bought this week.

I have no idea who is laying this little white egg. I assume it's from a pullet, because it's small.

Any ideas? What do cherry egger eggs look like?
cherry eggers lay brown eggs...

post pics of your flock so we can see them! one of your chickens must be a mix...

check the earlobes... if one of your chickens has white earlobes, that is the one laying the white egg!

if this is so, post the pic of that chicken!
A Production Black from Ideal also looks like a barred rock-kinda or a barred leghorn if you like those best... and lays white eggs which would be smaller than a Barred Rock egg..however it's whatever chicken that has white ears

One thing for sure is it didn't come from either a BR or RIR

If none of your chickens have white ears someone is having some
and playing around

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