What am I....I need a loving home! (West Michigan Area)

If it is seeking human company more than that of the other ducklings, and making alot of noise(cheaping,peeping, etc.) and judging from the physical charecteristics I can discern in the picture it is more than likely a call duck. From what I understand they are the most talkative of the breeds and like to be near their humans. Although it could be a baby Appleyard also.
Yes, I could do all that, I think. I don't think I could ever eat a duck that was my pet! Quail and chickens are different, they are supposed to be eaten.
The basic needs of just about any duck are food, water, shelter, heat, and hygiene.
Feed a high-protein diet to help your ducks grow strong and healthy.
Use a plastic quart-sized waterer. It can hold enough water to last all day. This is important, because ducks rely on water to swallow and digest their food. They can easily choke on dry food if they have no water to wash it down with.
Put the feeder and waterer where they are not too close to each other. Do this because when ducks eat, they move back and forth from food to water. If they stick their beaks in the food before the water drips off, the food will start to get soggy and will spoil a lot faster.
I have a heat lamp for when it gets cold.
Hygiene is a crucial issue when it comes to raising ducks. In order for your ducks to stay healthy, you must clean their cage often, depending on the amount of space you have per duck and how big each duck is. Cardboard boxes are not a good option because they become filthy fast. Frequent cleanings of any feeders, waterers, cages, etc. are strongly recommended. Those are the necessities of young ducks.
My ducks will free-range when they are big enough. We don't have a pond, but we do have a large galvanized stock tank that I plan to use for my ducks (9 eggs from the "chicken express" in my incubator right now!
Did I cover everything? Whatever he is, he sure is cute! And yes, if nobody closer wants him, I would love to have him!

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