What am I looking for when Candleing?


7 Years
Mar 31, 2012
Lorenzo, TX
I have two broody hens, White Pearl Leghorns. One keeps getting off her nest and getting back on the wrong egg/nest, so I took the egg and put it under the other hen. I know its crazy to hear about Leghorns being broody, but they are....they haven't laid eggs since they started this, about 4 days ago now, they make the whirly noise, (don't know how else to describe it), and fluff up when you even look at them, and are staying with the nest all day, even in the crazy heat. They each have a small bowl of water in the nest so they can stay hydrated and there is a mister spraying through the hot part of the day (about 11 am to 7 pm).
My Silkie hen died on Sunday after she laid her egg (we believe from heat), so in hopes that it is fertile I put it under one of the broody hens. I want to candle the eggs I have under the hens, but am not sure what I should be looking for nor when I should expect to see anything. Can someone direct me to where I can find instructions, or give me instructions please?

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