What am I? NOOOOOO, besides cute!!!


Canning Squirrel
11 Years
Mar 6, 2008
Floresville, Texas
Alright, I have most of my chicklets figured out I think (thanks to help from members here). However, this little lady (better be a lady) has me stumped and there were no guesses on her, either. She is very soft, light yellow and grey. Slate legs, looks to have a single comb but is is so tiny I can't guarantee that. When I pull out her wing the tiny little feathers are solid white until you get to the bottom. There they have a dot of black on each one. The pic of this is hard to see, but hopefully you can well enough. Anyway, my guess is (and has been) Silver Spangled Hamburg. Anyone think this is right? Wrong? Thanks a bunch.

The wing

The baby
Well, that sure looks a lot like her. However, wouldn't she be a fairly large baby since the delaware was bred for meat as well as eggs? She is my smallest baby and I don't think she is a bantam since they were supposed to be standards.
Well, the Delaware babies I saw pics of had a variety of looks....there were three in the pic. One looked much like her, one was almost solid yellow. None seemed to have quite as much of the dark grey on their back as her though (but they just don't show the backs well). One site (no clue what now) described the Silver Spangled Hamburg babies as having the stripes of light and dark like she does (like the chipmunk chicks but grey and yellow instead of brown) and said they are small as adults. I am still wanting to lean more toward that but just don't know.
Oh I hope so!!! I think they are so pretty. As for gender, I will be just devestated if she isn't a girl!!! I get so attached and don't want to have to re-home any babies. I just love my current roo too much to take any chances by adding another one.

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