What am I?


Jul 30, 2016
Hi everyone!
We went to Tractor Supply in May and bought 6 chickens to raise so we could have our own eggs. We didn't want any roosters so we chose 6 from a group labeled "Pullet all egg layers". They never told us what breed they are, I think they look like Buff Orpington's, but have been told by some that they are Rhoda Island Reds. Also, there are two that look different from the rest and I'm hoping they are not roosters. So any help identifing the breed and sex would be great!

As you can see in the photo, the chicken on the far left has a much larger and more pronounced comb and a wattle, then the two behind it. The other one, is also in question with a larger comb and wattle.

Thank you very much!

I also bought several from Tractor supply and I'm having some trouble with breed and gender myself. First time for chickens, mine are a bit redder/darker in color. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Pictures below.

so the birds are less than 3 months old? Yep, you have two cockerels.

I'm not sure what breed they are. The color and shape are off for a buff Orpington. I can't tell leg color from the pic, Orps have white/pink legs and these birds look to have grey/slate? Can we get a profile pic of one of the birds to see it better for breed ID? I'm wondering if they're one of the slow meat birds like Pioneers or Rainbows, but need a better pic.
I'm not totally sure. Based on their framesand sizes they kinda look like pullets to me. Could you get some better pics from the side? Easier to see development of saddle feathers that way.

Here they are with no photo filters...and you're sure these two are roosters? If they are, we are going to have to find them a new home.... :(
The two with the big red combs sticking up are undeniably roosters at this point. Those are buff orpingtons for sure, and they lay a light brown/cream colored egg. On the plus side the ladies are generally very gentle chickens and make for great backyard chickens. I always get a mix of breeds myself for a more colorful egg basket (such as Easter eggers for potential green and blue eggs, Black sex links because they're great layers of brown eggs, ISA browns as again they are amazing layers but they're eggs are a wonderful shade of bright orangey brown, Black Australorp as they're the number 2 layers that are related to the buff orpington, and a white leghorn as they're the top layers and the white gives the basket some contrast)

Rhode Island Reds are very dark in color, almost black. Hatchery stock RIR (aka production reds) are more of a brownish red (not nearly as dark as traditional RIRs) with a few black tail and wing feathers. New Hampshire Red (hatchery) will be a pretty orange color. ISA browns will be various shades of dark red to orange with white feathers around the neck, tail, and wing areas. Buff Orpingtons are just yellow (with occasional blips of black popping in around the wings occasionally).

For the Roosters, I'd go ahead and rehome them while they're still young.

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