What animal would would eat so much at one time?


10 Years
May 13, 2009
Traverse City, MI
We lost 7 birds at one time. The only thing left was feathers, and one wing of one of the birds. We saw large canine tracks on the ground. Could it be one big dog or a pack? Or a coyote? Can a dog eat 7 birds at one time--bones and all?
My guess would be that it was coyotes. They are pupping right now and have to eat much more to keep their calorie intake up to feed their pups.
Do coyotes often attack in the middle of the day? How heavy can they get? These look like at least a 150 canine. Only thing left were feathers, and one wing. These birds were heavy weights. Very well fed.
That's what we are thinking. If a human was outside, would they attack also? The scene of the carnage is awful. The birds were assaulted all over the property--not in one area. It was pretty much silent, because someone was home and did not hear anything outside, otherwise would have went out and terminated the offender in the act. I feel as though I should always look behind myself now to make sure that nobody is sneaking up behind me since there must have been enough stealth involved in the attacks.
so sorry to hear that!! I would definetly be looking over your shoulder and have something to defend yourself and your animals. I hope they don't come back but that's probably a bit unlikely. Good luck and stay safe!!
Thanks so much for the words of support. I have not been sleeping at all lately. This has traumatized myself and my fiance'. These were our babies that we lost. We are thinking of ways to not have it happen again. We have one bird left out of the bunch. She acts nervous and bewildered--hiding in her nesting box, only coming down when we come in to see her.
I would deff say Coyotes I lost 13 birds (my entire flock) to 1 attack by a pack of coyotes they tore down the run chewed through the hen door and BOOM all 13 gone in 1 night and I never heard a thing

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