What antibotics should I use for duck?

4-H chicken mom

15 Years
Aug 3, 2007
Oberlin, OH
I got a new mandarin drake a while back and he was put in the inside pen with a plastic fencing over the opening so he could see the other ducks. He somehow got a small cut on the side of the toe while pacing back and forth. I didn't notice it until after I let him in the pen with the others. After a week, I noticed a slight swelling of the toe, so he was caught and separated again. :barnie Toe was bandaged, antibotics in water. Duramycin-10 is what I used. Toe healed very nicely, but swelling really never went away. Weeks have gone by, the duck was not bothered by the toe. He was not limping or anything. Yesterday I noticed the duck's toe was starting to swell even larger and starting to limp, so I caught him again and the bottom of the toe had the bumblefoot scab. :barnie So today I was off work and gather the supplies. I soaked his foot in Epsom salt. I used a pair of tweezers to pick around the edge of the scab and started to pull at it. It didn't want to come out at first, so I squeezed it a little and out popped this round hard chunk of a thing. :sick So now it is all cleaned up and bandaged. What I need to know is what kind of antibotics should I put in the water? Is Duramycin OK or should I get something else? :idunno

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