What apps do you have on your Ipod touch or Iphone?

I have the Weather Channel, Facebook, Kotoba! (Japanese translation program), and a few games (GD swarm, GD defense, Monkey Ball, Bejeweled 2).

My favorite app that I have right now is called Remote. We have speakers in our living room and dining room walls, but in order to play music through them, my computer (running iTunes) has to be hooked up to our stereo down in the basement. Remote lets me send signals from my iPod to my computer over our wireless network, so I can change songs or playlists without running downstairs. Awesome.

The app I want next is one that checks flight status so I can know if a plane is going to arrive on time or not.
I found a really this great animated weather app. I think it's handy to have since I
spend so much time outdoors.... Beautiful animation !


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