I just hatched my first wheatens this spring and they're about ready to lay. I'd say they aren't quite as calm as my cuckoos, but they are far from flighty. I'm anxious to see how dark their shells are. They hatched from fairly dark eggs. Personally I think they're the prettiest of the Marans colors.
Unless you just happen to get lucky you more than likely won't find just one to buy. You'll probably have to get eggs to hatch....and those there will be a waiting list.
bayhorsebonne on ebay sells them. She told me her wheatens don't lay as consistently as her copper blacks. She said they more easily stop laying with weather changes, stress, etc... but they are probably her most gorgeous birds. they are something else! BIG, fluffy, gentle, very impressive to look at.
He is a mille fleur cochin. That was a juvenile photo of him. Just took a fresh mug shot this morning. Ta da! His first eggs are under a broody and due this next week! He is in with mottleds so all the babies will be split to mille fleur, but none will show it. I can't wait!
not yet. I won't have any females until these eggs hatch and I get pullets back with their father, or back with a split half brother. Depends on what hatches and how it turns out.