What are some chicken breeds you wish that you have, but you don’t yet?

Really want a few colors of Ameraucanas (blue Wheaton and splash would be my top two colors).
Also Favaucana, Mottled Java, Appenzeller Spitzhauben, Dorking, Cream Brabanter, Buff Chantecler, Jubilee Orpington, Exchequer Leghorn, Blue Copper Marans, Isbar, Blue Laced Barnevelder, and some bantams!
Hmm...I just ordered my color layer wish list and don't think they sent me a barnavelder with my dark layer surplus..all french marans.(but Im having trouble telling the chipmunk patterned chicks apart and have 1 extra which could be olive egger, welsumer, crested cream legbar or barnevelder (I hope)
Any Wyndottes
Barred Rocks
Black Australorps (have a roo, no hens)
Blue Brahamas (ordered light)
Polish (for fun)
Barred cochin
...Just a few off the top of my head. I'm sure i forgot some though🙂
I have been thinking about this a lot lately. I am unfortunately limited, as I am within city limits.

I have a dream....

Onagadori rooster
Salmon Favorelle
Easter Egger
Splash Ameracauna
Lav. Orp
Blue laced red Wyandottes
Silked easter eggers
Light sussex
Tolbunt polish
Buff Polish
Paint silkie

I'm sure there are many many more.
Hi everyone! I'm just curious to see what breeds of chicken that you wish that you had in your chicken flock but you don't have right now. There is NO LIMIT on how many "dream chickens" you want! I'm going to list just a few because my list would reach the floor just naming the breeds.😂 Ok, so, I'd say that If I could add a few more chickens to my flock, it would be Cream Legbars, Dark Brahmas, and Polish. I'd love to hear what your "dream chickens" are!
I have Welsummers (my Favorite), Black Copper Marans but would like Black Australorp or Speckled Sussex for egg laying and meat. I lost my one year old Wellsummer Rooster today for unknown reasons. Found him dead after noticing he looked ill this morning. I have ten of his chicks in the brooder right now. Hope one of his will be a roo.
Hi everyone! I'm just curious to see what breeds of chicken that you wish that you had in your chicken flock but you don't have right now. There is NO LIMIT on how many "dream chickens" you want! I'm going to list just a few because my list would reach the floor just naming the breeds.😂 Ok, so, I'd say that If I could add a few more chickens to my flock, it would be Cream Legbars, Dark Brahmas, and Polish. I'd love to hear what your "dream chickens" are!
American Bresse, but I live in a city😔

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