What are some good treats that the chickens will actually eat?

Ok my 7 LOVE grapes, watermelon, corn on the cob, cottage cheese, yogurt w/ ground flax sprinkled on top, scrambled eggs and pasta
I've never none a chicken to refuse to eat Broccoli, mine go crazy over it! I give mine cobs of corn, apples, watermelon, bread and scrambled eggs and they love it all!
Awesome thread! Wow! I had no idea! This will be like back when I had a potbelly pig! Nothing goes to waste. I never would have guessed yogurt and cottage cheese. I would have been too chicken (forgive the pun) to try those. Chickens' digestive systems are hardier than I would have guessed.

The only things I've tried offering so far are grass and clover (they need to stay in a run because of neighbor dogs), corn on the cob cooked and raw, cucumbers, muskmelon, over ripe bananas, ants and their eggs (I found a nest and wanted to see what they'd do), and left over chow mien. They were scared of anything new at first, but now are just wary initially. Everything is gone by morning.

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