What are some of the LEAST aggressive breeds of roosters???


12 Years
Apr 14, 2010
I used to have a rooster, but he bit and attacked us so much he had to go...
I really miss having a rooster to protect my hens... But I can't have one that attacks us a lot.... So what would be a good breed for us? THANKS!!!
I would say NOT wyandottes....I have had three at one time, only one left now because he's too handicapped to do anything. I also picked up three from someone to send to freezer camp because they were so mean.
My experience is limited to this year and my first chickens.

I have had RIR, BR and BO and one, now three LF Cochin Roosters.

RIR's had to go....mean and agressive.

The BO has never sidestepped me or acted aggressive. He did beat up the other roosters and that is the reason for new coops and runs....lol.

The BR has been aggressive and I have always carried a broom in there and I have had to 'dispatch' him to the other side of the run once. I don't think he is done with me and I am not done with him.....

The Cochin....harms none. He skittles away if you get close. He is sweet to his two girls. They are very slow to mature and he was the bottom of the pecking order while still with the main flock. My goal is a new coop for him and his girls and more LF Cochins.

That's all I got!
Wow, good to know! I want to order some Wyandottes this spring, and I was thinking about ordering a rooster too... That would've been bad!
I did pick up some banty cochin/silkie/frizzle cross roos from someone (they had too many), and they were easy to handle.

But yeah, the one SLW I have probably would be meaner if he didn't have curled toes, curved keel, and hunchback, and something funky with his neck, but he's the way he is, and can't do much about it. I keep him around because he can't do much, and he does like the girls (and they like him).

I had two RIR - one was a holy terror, and one I have now is aloof and avoids people. He is an excellent roo, gentle to his ladies, just a good flock manager roo.
My Buff Orpington roosters were easy to train, and as long as there aren't too many, don't fight each other much. They did bite when they were younger.

I trained them to stay away from me by walking at them and waving things in their faces. The big one used to challenge me by circling, but I always backed him up, and now he leaves me alone.

It's a two-part effort, I think - get a laid-back breed and then train the roosters young, before they get very aggressive.
My Ameraucanas have always been big Teddy (Bears) Roos.

Lovers, not fighters.

But I've also seen them defend their girls.
My best roo was a Black Australorp, gave his life for his girls, was a great roo. These 2 mutts I have now have been good roos as well, no training needed except to walk toward #2 every 2 or 3 days. Worst one was a RIR; hatchery RIR's are notorious for this, and getting a good one is a real stroke of luck. Also had a good BO and a bad NHR.

Of course in the end it's not just the breed, it's the personality, and your handling. I'd read up then get several and put the bad ones in the freezer. I wish you luck.

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