What are symptoms of samonella ?


7 Years
Oct 20, 2012
H&B Hens (My Flock) Texas
What are the symptoms of samonella or other symptoms of diseases or sicknesses you can get from chickens?
I am EXTREMELY sick. Never felt worse in my life. I have been spending lots of time with my chickens lately and wondered if it could be related....
I have horrible stomach cramps
Hurts to use the restroom
Horrible Diarrhea
Chicks will huddle near heat, heads hanging, and wings sagging. Loss of appetite, white diarrhea is usually present and they labor to breathe. Sounds like coccidiosis doesn't it?

Adults get thirsty, lose weight because of no appetite. Sometimes there's green diarrhea with pale, shriveled waddles and combs.

Here's a link about it in poultry: http://www.merckmanuals.com/vet/poultry/salmonelloses/pullorum_disease_in_poultry.html

Here's a link about transmission to humans: http://www.merckmanuals.com/home/infections/bacterial_infections/salmonella_infections.html
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