what are the names of your chickens?

I also named ours after grandmothers;

Alma (EE)
Johanna (EE)
Margaret (BA)
Freda (RIR)

Then there's;

Trixie (LB) and
Pauly the PR rooster who was originally named Penny till he crowed.

We have on order due to arrive the end of April;

Rexy (BR)
Sweety (GLW)
Henrietta (BO)
??? not sure yet on the name on the SS....my daughter keeps changing her name.
My original flock: Additions to first flock: New this spring:
Buck (BO rooster) Twiggy (Welsummer pullet) Princess Olive (black silkie) Oliver if she is a he
Sassy (BO pullet) Muffy (Ameraucana--EE--pullet) Unnamed (3 Amaraucanas)
Marsha-Lena (BR pullet) Dora (Ameraucana--EE--pullet Unnamed (2 Cuckoo Marans)
Skittles (BR pullet or roo, undeclared) Zippy (BA pullet) Unnamed (2 Delawares)
Terra (RIR pullet Unnamed (1 GLW and 1SLW)
Luna (RIR pullet
We have:
Polka Dot- silver spangled hamburg
Sweetheart- mixed breed bantam--- super sweet!- pepe's wife
Pepe- golden laced wyandotte roo
Peach & Pear- "twin" egyptian fayoumis- named for the color on the tips of their beaks
Jojo- ancona- kind of sassy
Sienna- production red (brown)
Hammy- blue wheaten ameracauna- lays green eggs and HAM

Happy Feet- black star- when she was a baby she just randomly started "dancing" on my hand
Robin- bbr ameracauna-looks like a hawk but didnt want to name her "hawky" so i picked another bird - she seemed like a robin
maria- golden laced wyandotte- pepe's girlfriend
tulip- silver laced wyandotte- used to have a sister named lily
virginia- red star- very sassy and bossy- not sure?
Blondie- wheaten ameracauna- blonde colored?
I just got like 35 chicks the other day but its kind of hard to name them because i dont know their personalities yet--- definitely naming one of my mille fleur d'uccles Mildred...

We used to have one named Lucy, until "Lucy" started crowing, he then became Mr. lucy and had to find a new home (we already have a rooster)
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Hecate, Isabelle, Lucy, Elizabeth, Autumn, Chica, Chicken #1, Chicken #2, Electra, and 3 unnamed Busckeye hens and 1 buckeye rooster.
it's been so much fun reading all these great names!!! i like the old fashioned names too. but i also like completely unusual names....i came across the names Imelda and Cordelia on a website today. i don't know if i'll use them, but i thought they were neat. i think if i have a silkie showgirl i'll name her Myrtle (cuz they kinda look like a turtle with that neck....and it rhymes)....or Agnes or Eunice for the showgirl. still thinking though.....keep all these great names coming! they're fun to read!
I have to go with a theme or I can never come up with anything. I choose flower names
My bouquet:

New chicks this year:

And my beautiful Welsummer Roo was Petunia but when I knew he was a he, I had to change it to Sweet William.
I have 17 chickens.

Ruth {RIR pullet}
Robin {RIR pullet}
Reggina {RIR pullet}
Bunty {RIR hen}
Rusty {RIR rooster}
Rocky {RIR cockeral}

Marshmellow {EE hen}
Blueberry {EE hen}
Peep {EE hen}

Chili {BR hen}
Pepper {BR hen}

Penny {RSL hen}
Babs {RSL x RIR hen}
Ginger {RSL x RIR pullet}

Little Shadow II {BSL pullet}

Coal {Mixed breed hen}
Carmel {Mixed breed hen}

Not to mention I have two dogs {Redbone Coonhound, Bluetick Coonhound and Beagle mix and a Great Pry.} named Blackie and Koda and two 7 month old barn cats named Callie and Blue.

I LOVE my animals.
Especially my chickens.
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I haven't named all my current girls. I kind of name them as i get to know them.

Rocky - my rir rooster
Zebu - my up and coming baby barred rock rooster (zebu is short for zebra because barred rocks look striped)
Superchick - a rir hen who was a runt but always strong and ahead of the pack

I'm still trying to find good names for two broody hens i have right now - including one who loves my shoulder and has ever since she was a little tiny chick.
I have 2 Polish hens and 2 roosters:
Gold/black hen: Wilma
Black hen: Betty
Black Rooster: Fred
White Rooster: Barney

I love the Flinstones & the Rubbles!!!

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