what are the names of your chickens?

I have 40 hens now, and two cockerels (chicken addict!) but only some of them have names and none of them were named on purpose - they just sort of got their names. Janet (the gannet), ex-battery girl and leader of the flock no matter what the cocks think. Then there is Nokia - made a noise like a radio by a mobile (cell) phone when she was a chick, Moonwalker (walks backwards to straighten out a dislocated toe sometimes), Miss Smallcomb (self-explanatory), New Best Friend (sadly now gone to the great chicken coop in the sky), Harriet the silkie, just because she suits the name, and Tarhead - got this name after being attacked by a cockerel and having stockholm tar put on her. Tarhead is the sweetest chicken - Light Sussex and very friendly - pecks at my boots until I pick her up for a cuddle. The boys are Lazarus (died as a chick but came back, oddly) and Smiffy.
We have:

2 yr old Barred Plymoth Rocks- Cheep and Scratch
1 yr old EE-Critter
7 wk old BPR- Scrambled and Omlette
5 wk old unknown TSC chicks - Chitter and Chatter

BPR Rooster - Peep
EE - Diva
hmmmm here we go

Draco (went to a new home today)

whew I think that is everyone then there are the ducks

Sasha, Hershey, Mounds, KitKat, Onyx, Midas, Draccus, Jack, Lily, Nibblets and Trevor
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And that just broke your heart, didn't it dear!

Currently we have 9 adult birds:
Griffin, a less than one year old Blue Wyandotte roo, and the absolute love of my life!
Brewenna, 3 y.o. Golden Brahma
Clarissa, Abigail, and Rita, 3 y.o. Golden Sex Links
FussyButt, a 3 y.o. Buff Orpington
April & JuneBug, 3 y.o. Light Brahma's
Rosie, a 1 y.o. Barred Rock

There are also 18 two week old fuzzy butts in the brooder of mixed breeding....Mutts in other words!
Currenly only a few are named, but they are as follows:
Eve (first hatched
) Dorothy (Dotty for short) Sonic (s/he has been accused of having a hedge hog for a father!
) GeeGee, Tira (named for my best friend in Texas) Toyota (she's subject to bursts of unexpected acceleration!
) Zip, Esther (might be an Easter Egger, not sure yet.
) and Ingrid. Still working on names for the remaining 9, but as most of them might be cockerels, they might never receive names. One does NOT name food after all!
We have 5 BO's, 5 BLW's, and 1 Sex-link roo...only 3 have names so far. Bird is our roo...original isn't it?

My favorite BLW is Millie, it just came to me all of a sudden. She's so sweet and she's a real jabberbox.

Then there is Frostbite, she's a BO. When we got her we didn't realize that the older girls were kicking her out of the
coop at night. Well it was the middle of winter and before we knew it she had frostbite, she ended up losing all
of her toes. Poor girl, she still keeps up with everyone though!

Part of the reason we haven't named the rest is because I have a hard time telling some of them apart (remember I'm
still a newbie)

My 7yo DD is dying to name some of them..Yoko, omelette, and poachie...there are more names but I can't remember them.
And that just broke your heart, didn't it dear!


Actually, it did bother me a little until the guy told me he had some girls for him and wanted Draco or Sirius to make babies...he wants to increase his flock size. So Draco will give him some blues and some feather legged and footed babies.

Did you see that Thor went to the vet...check this forum for the thread. hahahaha
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I only have three of my original girls left, after a darn coon got his paws on the others.

I plan on getting a bunch of new babies later this spring, or early in the summer... trying to plan it all accordingly, you know. I want at least fifteen more, if not twenty... or twenty five... whatever I can get away with!

Anyway, my three girls are....

Buttercup (a big, fat, calm, gentle, sweet Buff that will let my toddler put her in his wagon and haul her around our yard, will waddle up to me and climb onto my lap for a nap, and even let our 17-month-old pick her up without a fuss! She's such a sweetie pie, love her to bits!)

Spot (a just-as-chunky, but a little more temperamental, Silver Laced Wyandotte who loves me, but is not the big lap chicken Buttercup is! She's so beautiful and catches everyone's eye, and will let visitors pet her!)

Little Red (my tiny Rhode Island Red, who is the most skittish around people, but she is thoroughly in love with my toddler, I guess because he's the one who doles out the treats! She follows him around the yard like a feathered puppy!)
There is Gladys and Sally and Simone, Tootsie and Tammy and Kaihlie and Lilly and Shekinah
Mine got named in pairs except for the lone gold laced wyandotte.

I've got:

Buffy and Willow

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern

Dolly and Pearl

and My Darlin' Clementine.

We waited a while to name them. Buffy and Willow are all black and were the bravest of the bunch. Buffy is the meanest, which makes sense, she's the slayer after all. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are indistinguishable, so we named them after the two characters in the Tom Stoppard play who always forgot who was who. Dolly and Pearl are big fluffy buff orpington's who look like fat southern ladies wearing bloomers (and remind me of my aunts). And, well, Clementine was a precocious runt whose matching peep died, so she got the most attention, and I sang that song to her all the time.
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The name of my girls are

White Ameraucana: Betty (after Betty White)
Brown/Blue Ameraucan: Goldie (after Goldie Hawn)
RIR: Lucy (after Lucille Ball)
Plymouth Rock: Nellie (for Nervous Nellie cause she's always running under the coop everytime a crow caws)

It seems I have a trend for naming them after comedic actress'.

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