What are the names of your ducks?

You made my daughters day. She is sick with the flu, and studying for an exam tomorrow- but I had to drag her out of bed to see your post. Howls moving Castle is her favorite movie, and hearing that someone has named there ducks after some of her favorite characters really put a smile on her face.
My ducks are Mr. B. Quackers (he was supposed to be a girl and was named Bea for Beatrix Potter, but it became VERY clear he was not a she...), and his ladies Fern & Poppy Quackers.
My plan was to name them all after famous writers I have loved, but those names just didn't stick.
My chickens are named after french chicken dishes but the kids didn't want to call the ducks Cassoulet, Confit, or L'Orange.
m.kitchengirl :

My ducks are Mr. B. Quackers (he was supposed to be a girl and was named Bea for Beatrix Potter, but it became VERY clear he was not a she...), and his ladies Fern & Poppy Quackers.
My plan was to name them all after famous writers I have loved, but those names just didn't stick.
My chickens are named after french chicken dishes but the kids didn't want to call the ducks Cassoulet, Confit, or L'Orange.

My husband contends I jinxed our straight run ducklings to being 75 percent male since we gave them male names (Walter, Watson, Ciscoe). I told him it didn't matter - I liked the names and the sex was determined long before I ever named them!

So Miss Lydia what are your chicken names?

Besides I had to name them right away and get attached right away so that when I found out they were 75 percent male I could do me I-can't-eat-my-ducks routine! Have talked about adding turkeys and geese - he doesn't believe that if I get some and don't name them we will ultimately get to butcher them for food. Imagine that!
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When we ordered four Welsh Harlequin ducks this summer, I was trying to think of a group of 4 girl names- all girl bands? movies? literature?
I came up with the four daughters in "Little Women"- while joking that I was probably dooming "Beth" to an early demise.
And darned if one didn't come out of the box looking seriously unwell... and she did die 3 days later. So that was "Beth" !
So now we have:
and Metzer's replacement ducks:
Port and Starboard (two girls in the "Swallows and Amazons" series- in which nobody dies!)

Jo, Amy, and Port all come to their names, too- especially if there's an earthworm offered.
Meg and Starboard are a little shyer.
My original pair of Cayuga ducklings were named Thelma and Louise. Then Louise turned into Louie. (Then a predator killed Thelma on her nest out in an unprotected location...) So I bought some feed store (straight run) Cayuga duclings and got all drakes. Haven't named them yet. Ordered sexed female Cayuga ducklings from Metzer Farms; haven't named the four girls yet, as they haven't even finished getting all their hard wing feathers.

My call duck pair are Elvis and Priscilla.

My Toulouse geese pair: Kate and Angus.

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