What are the signs that hatching is near?


7 Years
Mar 11, 2012
Essex, UK
Hi all.

Getting ready for the big day. My duck has been sitting for quite some time, though i cannot be exact on the number of days. I know it is getting very close to 28 days. Are there any signs i can look for to give me any idea that they are ready to hatch? I have separated the drakes today ready as they are driving mum mad and some people have said they will kill the ducklings. Someone told me that you can hear noises from the ducklings when they are ready but i am not sure if this is true. If anyone can give me any information i would really appreciate it. This is my first time and i don't want to loose any.

Thank you
Thanks, i will look out for this. At the moment she is only leaving her nest to drink, then she is straight back in there. Can't wait for them to hatch. Looked today and could hardly see her, completely buried herself with straw.
Well I usually see my girls standing up over the nest towards hatching day. Don't ask me why but this just happens.

Hmmmmm....did not know this. My muscovy hen is close to hatching and this morning when I checked on her she was standing over the nest. So excited.
Well I usually see my girls standing up over the nest towards hatching day. Don't ask me why but this just happens. :idunno

Hmmmmm....did not know this.  My muscovy hen is close to hatching and this morning when I checked on her she was standing over the nest.  So excited.


REALLY ????????????????????????????????????????????? OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :celebrate

I wonder if that is a universal sign ? :ya

Our duck is due to hatch her ducklings on the 22nd so we're going to set up the game camera and hopefully see what happens when they begin to hatch... so excited. Waiting for updates on JW's hatch?
I'm still waiting too. I may have underestimated the hatch day. She laid the last egg on March 1st but had been staying on the nest regularly before that. I guess anytime up until the 4th, that will be 35 days since last egg. I don't know how many will hatch, there have been a few times that she was kind of mispositioned on the nest and some of the outer eggs weren't covered.
Okay, so I typed my last post and being the impatient person that I am, went outside to check again.
I took one of the eggs out from under her and listened to it and it peeped!!!! Didn't see any pips. So I'm guessing any time now.

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