What Are These Bugs on Her Feathers?

The Dim Side

Mar 16, 2021
Hi, again! Sorry, I know I just posted a different thing, but I have two separate concerns simultaneously. My goose just hatched a gosling, but last night, I noticed these weird bugs on her, and I've never seen them before. I don't see them on my other geese, but they have white feathers, and these bugs are hard to see. (Even hard to see in the video, had to zoom in, sorry. But it's the tiny thin things that are slightly moving.) So the others might have them, too, and I just can't tell.

They're very flat and a bit translucent I guess. I can barely even pull them off her because they're so flat and just stay stuck. But I worry about it affect her health and the newborn. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

I’m not sure what they are, mites are rounder and more crab like, but I’m not familiar with every parasite out there.
If there are a lot of whatever these are and she’s itching a lot then I would consider them parasitic, but if she and the gosling aren’t seemingly bothered I’d watch and wait on this one.
Hi, again! Sorry, I know I just posted a different thing, but I have two separate concerns simultaneously. My goose just hatched a gosling, but last night, I noticed these weird bugs on her, and I've never seen them before. I don't see them on my other geese, but they have white feathers, and these bugs are hard to see. (Even hard to see in the video, had to zoom in, sorry. But it's the tiny thin things that are slightly moving.) So the others might have them, too, and I just can't tell.

They're very flat and a bit translucent I guess. I can barely even pull them off her because they're so flat and just stay stuck. But I worry about it affect her health and the newborn. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

Poultry dust should nix whatever they are. Get rid of them asap
you've probably already treated your goose but just wanted to say since she has a gosling I'd treat with a poultry spray so the gosling doesn't inhale dust. Your also going to most likely have to clean out the coop and get rid of the bedding and spray inside top to bottom. If you use a poultry spray make sure it's safe to use on the gosling because if mama has parasites gosling probably does too.
you've probably already treated your goose but just wanted to say since she has a gosling I'd treat with a poultry spray so the gosling doesn't inhale dust. Your also going to most likely have to clean out the coop and get rid of the bedding and spray inside top to bottom. If you use a poultry spray make sure it's safe to use on the gosling because if mama has parasites gosling probably does too.
I had gotten the poultry dust but didn't realize there was a spray! We cleaned out the whole coop and replaced all the bedding, and I had already stopped seeing whatever it was on her prior to it, too. So I didn't end up using the poultry dust on the room (out of concern of potential effects to the baby since I'd never used it before). My dad thought they were some sort of larvae.

Fortunately they didn't seem to stick around long, and aside from the mom starting to molt, she still seems healthy. (But now I'm hoping the molt is just normal and not caused by those things? I think I read before that molting sometimes happens after laying season, so I didn't think of it as too concering before, aside from being able to keep the gosling warm.)

But I'll look into getting poultry spray instead and use it the next time we clean out the coop. Thank you!!
I had gotten the poultry dust but didn't realize there was a spray! We cleaned out the whole coop and replaced all the bedding, and I had already stopped seeing whatever it was on her prior to it, too. So I didn't end up using the poultry dust on the room (out of concern of potential effects to the baby since I'd never used it before). My dad thought they were some sort of larvae.

Fortunately they didn't seem to stick around long, and aside from the mom starting to molt, she still seems healthy. (But now I'm hoping the molt is just normal and not caused by those things? I think I read before that molting sometimes happens after laying season, so I didn't think of it as too concering before, aside from being able to keep the gosling warm.)

But I'll look into getting poultry spray instead and use it the next time we clean out the coop. Thank you!!
Im glad things look better. Lime is really inexpensive like 4 dollars for 50 pounds, to spread on the floor before you put down new bedding it helps allot with smells which attract insects to lay there eggs and create larvae. Just a thought another is diatomaceous earth. You can get it at most feed stores it is all natural so adding a little dusting of it, every time you give them a little more bedding it will kill the larvae before they become a problem. But I do agree with your dad looked like larvae. Molts are so normal on geese Im sure the insects didn't create it but when a goose is molting there immunity system is down. There energy is going to producing there new feathers. Never hurts to give them more vitamins and vitamin e at that time. I usually just give shelled sunflower seeds as a treat in there feed (never give them to a babie getting there first feather though the protein is to high) . Geese usually wouldn't eat them if they have a shell on them. Just some thoughts.
Be sure if you decided to buy lime it's safe also. There are different types of lime. I just used Liquid Ivermectin on my chickens. They don't have parasites but about every 3-4 months I use the Ivermectin on their necks just to make sure. It's safe to use.
Im glad things look better. Lime is really inexpensive like 4 dollars for 50 pounds, to spread on the floor before you put down new bedding it helps allot with smells which attract insects to lay there eggs and create larvae. Just a thought another is diatomaceous earth. You can get it at most feed stores it is all natural so adding a little dusting of it, every time you give them a little more bedding it will kill the larvae before they become a problem. But I do agree with your dad looked like larvae. Molts are so normal on geese Im sure the insects didn't create it but when a goose is molting there immunity system is down. There energy is going to producing there new feathers. Never hurts to give them more vitamins and vitamin e at that time. I usually just give shelled sunflower seeds as a treat in there feed (never give them to a babie getting there first feather though the protein is to high) . Geese usually wouldn't eat them if they have a shell on them. Just some thoughts.
What all vitamins do you give them? And yeah, we put DE down on the floor first before adding in the straw! I think that's what we normally do, too. So hopefully it's been helping keep things away, lol.
Be sure if you decided to buy lime it's safe also. There are different types of lime. I just used Liquid Ivermectin on my chickens. They don't have parasites but about every 3-4 months I use the Ivermectin on their necks just to make sure. It's safe to use.
I didn't know you can use it externally and just put it on their necks! Good to know! Is the liquid kind more of the paste or an actual liquid? I've used the paste before for a couple rabbits recently but haven't used the liquid yet.

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