What are these chickens?


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 6, 2013

I bought these chickens from a hatchery and they referred them as "special blacks" and "special browns" What is their actual breed name?
You've got Black Sex Links and Red Sex Links. Every hatchery has their own "recipe" for making them and calls them by a different name. Basically, a hybrid chicken that can be color sexed at hatch and lays lots of brown eggs. Since they are auto-sexing hybrids and not breeds, they will not breed true.
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You've got Black Sex Links and Red Sex Links. Every hatchery has their own "recipe" for making them and calls them by a different name. Basically, a hybrid chicken that can be color sexed at hatch and lays lots of brown eggs. Since they are auto-sexing hybrids and not breeds, they will not breed true.
x2, though a closer picture would help.
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