What are these two?

Tanith BHH

7 Years
Jun 9, 2012
I got these two girls from an auction, it just stated "2 broodies" but I fell in love with them on first sight, so I bought them. Neither of them have ever become broody, though!! First one lays large blue eggs, is smaller than the rest of my hens and quite flighty. Her name is Daffodil, or Daffy. Both are large fowl. The second, she's quite big in comparison and lays small brown eggs with grey spots. Doesn't enjoy being handled but otherwise calm. She's called Blackbird, or Birdie. What are they? I just can't work it out!! I'm usually quite good at breed identification, but I'm very confused with these two, especially the second. Oh, and Daffodil has a little crest, not very well shown on the photos, sorry.
Any help will be wonderful!! Thanks

Daffy really is crazy... (above)

Blackbird is on the left on this last photo, but both of the hens shown are usually much more upright than that.

Please help! Thanks
They look like mixes to me of some sort...the floppy comb makes me want to say the first is a leghorn mix...possibly with EE if you are getting colored eggs...
Leghorns lay large-xlarge eggs...so that would fit as well.
Not sure on the second one...but definitely a mix. There are very few, if any, large heavy bodied breeds with crests.
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I wondered about cream legbar too, as they are fairly common round here. About birdie, doesn't she have the wrong kind of comb for a black sex link?
When you mix birds the possibilities are endless, so the comb doesn't really matter all that much, but most sex links I have seen do have a single comb...That is big and red. Your girl there is also heavier than a lot of pictures of black sex links I have seen...Her skin and what not also seems unusually dark as well, so I'm not sure...I hadn't even thought about cream legbars...in respect for the first chicken, but if they are common near you then it is a good bet that she might be a legbar mix.
Oh my goodness, what pretty girls!

My first thought for Daffy was a Leghorn/EE mix.

Birdie's face looks a lot like a blue Sumatra that I had for a long time, but she's much heavier.....maybe some black sex link in her?
Thanks BirdyMe.

Thanks for all the help everyone, I searched around a bit and found the auction sales catalogue that I kept and saw that the same seller who had Daffy and Birdie also had legbars on auction, so I think there's hardly any doubt about Daffy being a Legbar mix. Maybe she's a Legbar x Leghorn?! Certainly strange to say but possibly true? He also had: Marans, Bluebells, Wyandottes, Light Sussex, Welsummers, Warrens. I'm happy with knowing that Blackbird is a mix of some sort though, as none of those seem to match her very well:(

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