What are these weirdos doing???

Awww! They just want some love. Maybe, like others are saying- they see you as their mama hen who they want to follow around and huddle! Best of luck with your babies and....

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If you want to post some mug shots we can guess for you. ;)
Welcome to BYC!
Happy to do mug shots. I am not adding in the barred rock roo (since I know he’s a he) but here are the rest of my flock of weirdos (Lakenvelder, Black copper Marans, 2 salmon Faverolles, Easter Egger, Olive Egger):
Pullet? That comb is a bit thick and large, though not red and I don't see any waddles. Could be a late bloomer though, not so sure on him yet.
I really want the FBCM to be a hen. Does wishing ever make it so? Lol
I agree on the last one - the salmon faverolles - she acts like a hen, looks different than the other SF, etc BUT all those black feathers??? Doesn’t that mean cockerel with that breed or not always? 😬
I have heard that salmon faverolles are some of the gentlest roosters in case you end up keeping him. I would get a hen in the future if you can, my salmon faverolle hen is my favorite.

Best of luck!
Thanks! They are so clever and inquisitive - I giggle at them constantly. I will be trying again for a hen and I probably will attempt to keep two Roos (one of the SF and the FBCM since it seems he’s a boy!).
I heard that if they’ve grown up together they might be less aggressive with each other???
Growing up together will certainly go better than if you introduced them later on. I've never had ones that same age grow up together, but that would be great. From my experience roo interactions have a lot to do with spacing and personality. My friend who has a SF rooster says he always just "stands down", so that arrangement might work perfectly.

There is a thesis on this place about roo interactions if you ever get a chance to peruse :)
Thanks so much!!! I’ll have to look it up.

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