What are they?

I won't stop you lol
my only delay is that legally I can only have 2 chickens
I already have 4
but I have a huge coop sooooo
what they dont know wont hurt em
Chicken math struck again

I went to go get 1 or 2
got 5
I will be killed by my parents
What are they?

Thinking gold-laced wyandotte

No clue

No idea

Hoping not a silver-laced wyandotte but prolly what it is

And this is the reason I went and got any at all. I was only gunna get 2 of these

I agree with the GLW. The gray birds with the white wings look like Wht Jersey Giants. But I think if you want a better answer you should take some individual pictures, hard to tell from these.

Gold Laced Wyandotte
Rhode Island Red? Maybe Production Red
Blk Australorp
Wht Jersey Giant?

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