What are tiny round black bugs? Some type of mite?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 28, 2009
Eugene, Oregon
I've heard of the red mites that infest chickens but what are these? I didn't actually find them on the chickens, when I opened the coop this morning the tiny black things were crawling on my sleeve. They are about the size of a poppy seed or slightly smaller.
That sounds like mites. My mites are black, not red. They can't bite humans (their biting apparatus is species-specific). Sevin dust, if you can still find it, will take care of the mites.
When I was at Home Depot yesterday they had lots of it. I am in SC but where one has it most do too.
That's what I feared
I use DE inside the coop and run, but I'll check out the Sevin dust. Thanks for the replies

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