what are we doing wrong?

Since you now have the brewer's yeast and it has all in it you can use the brewer's yeast from birth for your baby goslings. Since you feed and can only get chicken feed them babies need their niacin and since brewer's yeast has it in there. Keep niacin on hand just in case it is needed for some goslings because some might need more than other's. Because every goslings needs can be different. So better to be safe than sorry....

I am so glad that I have helped you with your goslings and geese. It feels good to help someone else because I had NO idea what to do when I got my first goslings. But did have help from the people who worked in the farm store.. But had to learn a whole lot more about the geese as time went by.
Very interesting thread here~ my goose is holding back on eating it seems since I added grit to her pellets and corn. Any ideas? She still loves greens from the house-- lettuce, etc. She is fine otherwise......
Very interesting thread here~ my goose is holding back on eating it seems since I added grit to her pellets and corn. Any ideas? She still loves greens from the house-- lettuce, etc. She is fine otherwise......

Put her grit in a separate bowl and she'll eat it only when needed. Since she is out doors she probably gets grit from the ground. I only put grit out for my flock in the winter when there is snow on the ground.
I am so glad that I have helped you with your goslings and geese. It feels good to help someone else because I had NO idea what to do when I got my first goslings. But did have help from the people who worked in the farm store.. But had to learn a whole lot more about the geese as time went by.
Ruru, when I asked in the local agricultural store about supplements for geese, worming, etc, no-one had any idea. The owner was able to help me with her experience with turkeys, but geese was another subject! Thanks for your experience that you´ve shared.

Kalsti, I do much the same as Lydia. My goslings have sand (never seen grit to buy here) in a cat-litter tray, and I fill the tray with water. I also put in a little cider vinegar and float their lettuce in it, too. They love it! They love to sift it through, and then they can take it if they want. The adults have the grit and gravel in the stream, but can´t resist the stuff the babies get! You could always try it with your goose... Maybe chuck some grit and corn in the bottom of a bucket of water, and see if she enjoys rummaging about in it.
Also, she may simply not fancy the pellets and corn. If the greens are good, she´ll be quite happy with them. After all, that´s how they´re designed! Mine tend to eat a bit of corn when the grass is getting a bit old. But when there´s plenty of good grass around (and lettuce, of course, it´s such a favourite) they tend not to come up for the corn. Your goose sounds normal to me. Sensible goose, eats her greens!
Here is a name for a good wormer you can just put in a syringe about 1/2 cc for a medium size goose. It is called Eprinex (a liquid wormer Ivermectin) for cattle. You put the 1/2cc between the two wings. My friend on another forum taught me about this womer.
You worm before the end of Fall and before breeding starts in the Spring.

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