What are you absoulutly terrified of?


Cold Canadian Chick
10 Years
Dec 2, 2009
What are some things you are terrified of? Things that you just can't get over.

1) Cobwebs/spiderwebs, I can't stand them, can't be near them. I don't mind spiders though

2) Heights, as soon as I'm off the ground I ger nervous. When I'm climbing a ladder I get these urges to let go and... ya lol

3) Mould, I sometimes have trouble being in the same room as it! One day I grabbed an orange from the bowl and it was mouldy, I chucked it across the run and was gone in a few seconds! lol

4) Maggots, anything dead really, I start freaking out!
I used to be scared of chickens, absolutely terrified of them, that was until April of this year.
Now I'm only scared of flying, that and death.
I'm afraid of the dark, but wait! I am afraid of the dark inside of a house/building. I will not walk into my house, bedroom, bathroom anyroom without turning the light on. However, I will stay outside for hours after the sun has gone down without the slightest twinge of fear. Odd I know
Don't mind snakes or spiders as long as they are not on me. If they are well then prepare to see a grown man run around and scream like a girl!

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