What Are You Allergic Too?

I found out at work today that the grass I am allergic to is Bahia. It is everywhere, and I always thought it was a weed. Why anyone would deliberately plant that is beyond my comprehension. Although ostriches do enjoy skimming seeds from the fronds.
The only thing I'm allergic to is picks and shovels.
Okay so don't look at me weird but I'm alergic to cold :)

I come out in a rash if I'm splashed with cold water. Once went canoeing and after an hour of water dripping on my legs from the paddles my legs were an itchy rashy mess.
I've also come out in an itchy rash on my arms from being out in cold wind.

Thought it was too crazy to be true but then met someone with the same thing and discovered it actually a recognized allergy.
Aerosol air fresheners and some candles make me feel like projectile vomiting! lol Poison Ivy use to tear me up so bad when I was a kid. Went to the doctor over it many times. Had one eye swell shut from the stuff! I still get it but not near as bad.
I have a handsome red-headed fair skinned nephew that is allergic to the sun, breaks out in hives from it. He is also allergic to red dye. He ended up in the emergency room over it, swollen from head to toe BAD! Two other nephews seem to be allergic to grass, weeds, that sort of thing. Some pollen gets to me too, messes with my eyes. One is allergic to ticks I guess. When he gets bit by one the bite area swells a little, like a bee sting.
Nothing that I know of. But cleaning chemicals, heavy scents, artificial scents like air fresheners, perfumes, cigarette smoke and things like that will give me a migraine. My boyfriend is allergic to bananas and benadryl. My aunt had a liver transplant and is now allergic to all kinds of nuts.

I get migraines as well with the scents.
Allergist says I'm merely on the wrong planet.


Or, you can simply say I'm allergic/sensitive to all of civilization.

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