What are you and who will you be chicks?


7 Years
Mar 21, 2012
So weeks ago I got some chicks, but questioned the sex and breed I was told. The chicks are older now and I'm hoping more identifiable.

Chick #1 I am hoping is a pullet. The lack of tail development has me concerned. She has very little comb and no wattles. She was supposed to be a English Blue Orpington.

Chick # 2 Has had great tail and feathering, pretty sure it's a pullet. Darker than Chick #1, she was supposed to be an English Blue Laced Orpington.

Chick #3 Has me baffled. Late tail and feathering at the start, but now is feathered nicely. Darker than Chick #4 and no red comb or wattles has me hoping that we have a girl. This one was supposed to be a Cuckoo Marans but the rose comb has me convinced this is a Dominique- a breed the breeder I got the chicks from had in the same bin.

Chick #4 is pretty much confirmed his rooness. The reddening in the comb and wattles appearing, also the difference in coloring from Chick #3 has me convinced. Same breed story as #3, a Cuckoo Marans that most probably is a Dominique.

Chick #1

Chick #1

Chick #1 and #2 (darker chick)

Chick #3

Chick # 4
So weeks ago I got some chicks, but questioned the sex and breed I was told. The chicks are older now and I'm hoping more identifiable.

Chick #1 I am hoping is a pullet. The lack of tail development has me concerned. She has very little comb and no wattles. She was supposed to be a English Blue Orpington.

Chick # 2 Has had great tail and feathering, pretty sure it's a pullet. Darker than Chick #1, she was supposed to be an English Blue Laced Orpington.

Chick #3 Has me baffled. Late tail and feathering at the start, but now is feathered nicely. Darker than Chick #4 and no red comb or wattles has me hoping that we have a girl. This one was supposed to be a Cuckoo Marans but the rose comb has me convinced this is a Dominique- a breed the breeder I got the chicks from had in the same bin.

Chick #4 is pretty much confirmed his rooness. The reddening in the comb and wattles appearing, also the difference in coloring from Chick #3 has me convinced. Same breed story as #3, a Cuckoo Marans that most probably is a Dominique.

Chick #1

Chick #1

Chick #1 and #2 (darker chick)

Chick #3

Chick # 4
#1 & #2 both look like female blue orpingons
#3 looks lke female dominique
#4 is definately male, looks cuckoo maran

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