What Are You Listening To Right Now?

I know it was DD that was asking. I just thought of searching out for personal curiosity. This is what I found.
His Music on Amazon had this.
View attachment 1639852
So as I further searched Youtube,,, the following showed up.
View attachment 1639853
The first and the third seem to match,,,:idunno

Is this a different artist with same name:caf
Yep, he and his band are just not on YouTube, the only place you get his music now is on eBay, Amazon, or at least that's the only place I have seen it for sale. Here's the only one on youtube.
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They won't play for me :hit
Neither one opens but their not Knifewing, he doesn't have anything on YouTube but one song with Waylon Jennings. And dd wanted to know not me!
They don't open up for me on BYC, but if you touch or click on
Watch this video on YouTube,
it take you straight to YouTube and plays:caf


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